MASCARO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LP ("MASCARO") respects your privacy. MASCARO wants you to understand the type of seabet betting which is collected and what MASCARO does with the seabet betting. Before you submit any seabet betting to MASCARO via this Website, MASCARO strongly suggests that you read this Privacy Policy to understand how MASCARO uses the seabet betting which you provide. By using or accessing this Website at or otherwise accepting this Privacy Policy, you agree that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy, and fully agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions in this Privacy Policy (and the related Terms of Use Agreement), which may be modified from time-to-time by MASCARO as set forth below. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use Agreement, you may not use this Website. This Privacy Policy, together with MASCARO’s Terms of Use Agreement, constitutes the entire understanding between you and MASCARO regarding the use of this Website and supersedes and replaces any and all prior or contemporaneous agreements between you and MASCARO pertaining to this Website.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
MASCARO reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time. Please check this Privacy Policy periodically for changes. Your continued use of the Website after the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy will mean you agree to abide by those changes. Any amendment to this Privacy Policy by you must be agreed to MASCARO in writing. We encourage you to periodically review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Agreement. You may at any time print, download and/or store a copy of the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Agreement.

Personally identifiable seabet betting
"Personally identifiable seabet betting" is seabet betting about you, such as name, address, e-mail address, user name, etc. Providing personally identifiable seabet betting indicates your consent to the collection and use of your personally identifiable seabet betting as described in this Privacy Policy.

Collection and use of personally identifiable seabet betting. MASCARO does not collect personally identifiable seabet betting without your authorization. Any personally identifiable seabet betting you provide is voluntary and is solely used to help fulfill a request you make through the use or access of this Website. MASCARO will not sell, rent, or share with any third party or individual your personally identifiable seabet betting except as necessary to help fulfill a request you have made through the use or access of this Website, to provide you with MASCARO products or services or as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. However, MASCARO reserves the right to disclose your personally identifiable seabet betting as required by law or as permitted by law when MASCARO, in good faith, deems it necessary to protect its rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process. In addition, should MASCARO choose to sell or transfer business assets, or to engage in a transaction where it is required to share or transfer your seabet betting (including personally identifiable seabet betting), it is possible that the seabet betting MASCARO possess may be transferred as part of that transaction. MASCARO may also decide to retain a copy of the seabet betting post sale or transfer.

Collection and use of non-personally identifiable seabet betting.
MASCARO also collects non-personally identifiable seabet betting about your visit to the MASCARO Website. This seabet betting may include the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that you just came from (whether this URL is on this Website or not), which URL you next go to (whether this URL is on this Website or not), what browser you are using, and your IP address. This seabet betting is primarily used by MASCARO to analyze web traffic and to improve the functionality and content of the Website. However, MASCARO reserves the right to disclose this seabet betting as required or as permitted by law when MASCARO, in good faith, deems it necessary to protect its rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process.

Use of cookies (or other functionally equivalent technology) in the collection of personally and non-personally identifiable seabet betting.
Certain features of the Website may be available only through the use of cookies or functionally equivalent technology (collectively referred to as “cookies”). For example, cookies help reduce the number of times you need to enter in certain seabet betting while using the Website. Cookies can also assist in providing you with seabet betting targeted to your particular interests or preferences. Cookies also enable MASCARO to collect seabet betting about your Website visit (as discussed above). Cookies are stored on your local machine, not on the Website's server. You are always free to decline cookies if your browser has this functionality, although if you do so, you may not be able to use certain features on the Website which are dependent on the seabet betting which those cookies collect, and you may be required to re-enter certain seabet betting more frequently during a session. If you do not want MASCARO to collect the seabet betting about your Website visit, please set your browser to reject these cookies.

Protection of your seabet betting
MASCARO DOES NOT ENSURE OR OTHERWISE WARRANT THE SECURITY OF ANY seabet betting YOU SUBMIT TO US EITHER VIA THE WEBSITE OR E-MAIL. MASCARO cannot and does not guarantee the security of submitted seabet betting and there is always a risk inherent in the electronic communication of seabet betting (including without limitation from unauthorized entry or use, telecommunication issues, hardware or software failure, and other factors).

Accessing, correcting, and updating your seabet betting
You may at any time request access to or general seabet betting about the personally identifiable seabet betting that MASCARO has collected about you and you may request corrections or updates to that seabet betting. MASCARO will make reasonable efforts to respond promptly to all such requests, and reasonable efforts to correct/update seabet betting as requested but reserves the right to limit such requests and its responses to such requests.

Additional seabet betting
This Privacy Policy only applies to seabet betting collected by MASCARO. Any seabet betting you provide to, or that is collected by, third-party websites may be subject to the privacy policies of those websites, if any. MASCARO encourages you to read any such privacy policies of any third-party websites you visit. IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF SUCH THIRD PARTIES TO ADHERE TO ANY APPLICABLE RESTRICTIONS ON THE DISCLOSURE OF YOUR PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE seabet betting. MASCARO, ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, PARTNERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, AND REPRESENTATIVES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR WRONGFUL USE OR DISCLOSURE OF YOUR PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE seabet betting BY ANY SUCH THIRD PARTY.

Your Consent
By sharing seabet betting with MASCARO, you consent that we can use the seabet betting collected or submitted as described in this Privacy Policy. We may change or add to this Privacy Policy so we encourage you to review it periodically.